For you to be part of the community

wherever you go


Escuela de Comunicación Transcultural (ECT) was established to offer an education for those who plan to go live and work outside their country of origin. 


Learn HOW to acquire
a new language

If you don’t know how to learn a language, you can spend years of your life never being able to communicate well in that new language. Do you want people to take you seriously? Do you want people to trust you like any other member of their society? You will have to be a person with a high level of communicative proficiency.


Learn HOW to establish intercultural friendships

The purpose of learning a language is to be able to form social and professional relationships with others. But the language is only PART of the problem. In addition to the language, you will also need to learn to SEE the culture, and UNDERSTAND how to function well within it.


Learn HOW to be an effective employee abroad

There are reasons why you learn a new language and a new culture: it’s because you want to live and work in a new place! In the School of Cross-Cultural Communication, you will be trained to function effectively in any context, so that the Employer can see and value your abilities and character.


The following topics are covered in the ECT

How to understand work style and job expectations in a foreign context and more…